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2、 haotong wei#, dylan desantis#, wei wei, yehao deng, dengyang guo, tom j. savenije, lei cao and jinsong huang*, dopant compensation in alloyed ch3nh3pbbr3-xclx perovskite single c rystals for gamma-ray spectroscopy; nature materials 16, 826-833.
3、 qiang xu, haotong wei, wei wei, william chuirazzi, dylan desantis, jinsong huang*, lei cao*, detection of charged particles with a methylammonium lead tribromide perovskite single crystal; nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 848, 106-108.
4、 wei wei, haibo zhang, shaowei guan, zhenhua jiang and xigui yue*, preparation and characterization of transparent polyarylethers-silica hybrid membranes with covalently connected phases; polymer, 53, 5002-5009.
5、 wei wei, xigui yue, yang zhou, zheng chen, jiyong fang, cong gao and zhenhua jiang*, new promising hybrid materials for electromagnetic interference shielding with improved stability and mechanical properties. phys.chem. chem. phys., 15, 21043-21050.
6、 wei wei, xigui yue, yang zhou, zheng chen, jiyong fang, cong gao and zhenhua jiang*, new promising hybrid materials for electromagnetic interference shielding with improved stability and mechanical properties. phys.chem. chem. phys., 15, 21043-21050.
7、 ning wang, zheng chen*, wei wei and zhenhua jiang, fluorinated benzothiadiazole-based conjugated polymers for high-performance polymer solar cells without any processing additives or post-treatments; j. am. chem. soc., 135, 17060-17068.